The forefront of contemporary discourse include immigration, gender equity, the prevalence of harassment in and outside of the workplace, and the effects of bias and discrimination. This webinar explores how these issues are playing out in the profession of architecture and the tools to address them.
Supporting Inclusiveness in Architecture
Topic: Practice,
Length: 1 hour l What's included: video, quiz, certficiate of completion
This webinar is available to stream!
Discussions surrounding immigration, gender equity, the prevalence of harassment in and outside of the workplace, and the effects of bias and discrimination are at the forefront of contemporary discourse. How are these issues playing out within the profession of architecture? What tools do we have to identify and assess these differences and what tools can we develop or promote in order to support and transition towards a more inclusive profession?
- Identify the demographics of their profession, both in their region and nationally.
- Explain the benefits of inclusiveness for the profession and the current obstacles for underrepresented groups.
- Apply the initiatives by regulators and independent groups across Canada and internationally to support inclusiveness in the profession.
- Use tools and approaches that promote inclusion for individuals and practices.
Subject Matter Expert
Amy Norris MRAIC, OAA
Available Until: December 31, 2022
Pricing A-La-Carte
Member: $50 / Non-Member: $75
Intern Member: $35 / Intern Non-Member: $50
Student: $25 (must be an RAIC student associate member)
This is a recording of a live event.
This webinar is part of a series! See more like this here.