Planning for Resilience in a Climate-changed World | REGULAR | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

Planning for Resilience in a Climate-changed World | REGULAR

Référence: CEWW210331

Design and development of the built environment, with sustainability in mind, can help mitigate climate change, support adaptation, and improve environmental and public health. The more resilient the built environment, the less it is impacted by climate change. This presentation demonstrates a five-step process that architecture and design firms can use to mitigate climate change risks from a physical and liability perspective.

Planning for Resilience in a Climate-changed World

Webday Wednesday Series

Topics: Sustainability / Design

Length: 1 hour

What's included: video, quiz, certificate of completion

The world is focused on Covid-19 at present, but the pandemic is just a dress rehearsal for the environmental challenges that lay ahead: the climate is warmer, weather events are more extreme, and infrastructure fails to perform as expected. If Covid-19 upended the economy and society, what will it be like when the world is at least 2°C warmer? Thanks to Canadian research, we know the answers.

This presentation demonstrates a five-step process that architecture and design firms can use to mitigate climate change risks, from physical and professional liability perspectives. The buildings designed and constructed in the next five years will still be around when the number of cooling degree days (CDD) has increased substantially. If professional firms don’t design for this new normal, our buildings will undermine the wellbeing of occupants and communities.

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to

  1. Recognize climate change impacts Canadian municipalities will face, at the city and building level
  2. Identify tools and best practices for accurately assessing climate impacts and integrating these into the design practice
  3. Analyze the impact of climate change on buildings and the built environment, and identify a business case for building climate resilient buildings.
  4. Apply a risk management framework for mitigating risks on construction projects

Subject Matter Expert

Andrée Iffrig


Pricing A-La-Carte

Member: $50 / Non-Member: $75

Intern Member: $35 / Intern Non-Member: $50

Student: $25 (must be an RAIC student associate member) 

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This webinar is part of a series! See more like this here.

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