Reimagining The Possibilities: A Guide to Mid-Rise Wood Construction in Canada | INTERN | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

Reimagining The Possibilities: A Guide to Mid-Rise Wood Construction in Canada | INTERN

Référence: CEFA20220310

This presentation will identify key considerations and factors that influence structural form when designing a mid-rise building in wood and outline the code requirements that need to be considered.  

Reimagining The Possibilities: A Guide to Mid-Rise Wood Construction in Canada

Topics: Practice / Business of Architects

Length: 1 hour l What's included: video, quiz, certificate of completion

The shift to industrialized construction processes has opened greater possibilities in wood building design. The new 2021 Mid-Rise Wood Building Guide, provided by the Canadian Wood Council and Wood-Works, explores the opportunities and possibilities of the Canadian code requirements. 


This presentation will identify key considerations and factors that influence structural form when designing a mid-rise building in wood. The presentation will also outline the code requirements, different structural systems- both lightweight and mass timber, business opportunities and identify key considerations in planning a project. Lastly, the presentation will illustrate design opportunities presented by the mid-rise requirements on a national scale.  


This presentation will identify key considerations and factors that influence structural form when designing a mid-rise building in wood and outline the code requirements that need to be considered.  


Learning Objectives


  • At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Receive a comprehensive overview regarding the use of wood in mid-rise construction as required by code. 
  • Discuss the environmental, economic, social, and cultural benefits of utilizing wood in building design. 
  • Review key design and planning considerations in optimizing wood in building design.
  • Illustrate design opportunities presented by the mid-rise requirements on a national scale, including strategies to establish a business case in utilizing wood in design.

Subject Matter Experts:



Veronica Madonna, OAA, FRAIC, M.Arch, B.E.D.S., B.Arch.Sc.  

Principal Architect, Assistant Professor|Studio Veronica Madonna Architect, RAIC Centre for Architecture at Athabasca University   


Veronica Madonna is a Principal Architect at Studio Veronica Madonna Architect and an Assistant Professor at the RAIC Centre for Architecture, Athabasca University. As an educator, researcher and practitioner, Veronica's focus includes regenerative design strategies, mass timber advancements, and equity in practice and education. She is a member of the OAA Sustainable Built Environment Committee and the CaGBC Timber Workforce Committee. 




Steven Street   

Technical & Business Development Consultant- specializing in light frame and mass timber technologies. 


Steven Street has enjoyed a career exploring his passion for good design, and working with the best in engineering, architecture, and fabrication. He’s spent 20 years developing domestic markets for opportunities, and changing and accepting wood structural systems in Canada. Over a decade with the CWC Wood-Works initiative, he provides a solid base of knowledge in design, off-site penalization and factory prefabrication. 



Member: $50 / Non-Member: $75

Intern Member: $35 / Intern Non-Member: $50

Student: $25 (must be an RAIC student associate member) 



Prix catalogue: $50.00
Prix membres: 