RAIC Presents: Your Portfolio: Impression, Immediacy, Impact | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

RAIC Presents: Your Portfolio: Impression, Immediacy, Impact

Référence: CEFOP20230208

In partnership with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable, and with support from the Government of Canada and RBC Future Launch, RAIC is excited to present “Your Portfolio: Impression, Immediacy Impact.” This live virtual workshop will include interactive components where Professor Vincent Hui will provide feedback on participants' portfolio sections. This event is free for students!


RAIC Presents: Your Portfolio: Impression, Immediacy, Impact


Length/longueur: 1.5 hours

What's included: Webinar

Now available on demand!

Portfolios are typically the most important endeavor a student designs and assembles before their first building. As the essential currency in architectural praxis, portfolios are rarely discussed in academia let alone formally dispensed with. This candid presentation outlines a need to understand the differences between portfolios for academic and professional purposes, and proposes a series of strategies to successfully create portfolios catering to these two different audiences.


Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of a portfolio in career development
  • Describe the difference between academic portfolios and professional portfolios
  • Articulate strategies to successfully create an academic portfolio
  • Articulate strategies to successfully create a professional portfolio


RAIC Membership is free for students. Click here to become a member!  


Subject Matter Expert


Vincent Hui


Vincent Hui is an award-winning associate professor in architecture at Toronto Metropolitan University, and the Associate Chair of Experiential Learning and Co-operative Education. He is passionate about advanced technology: how to integrate it with architecture to make our lives better. Under Hui’s tutelage, his students have been involved in exciting projects—from digital fabrication, to apps, to augmented reality. 


Free for students and members! (pre-registration required)
Others: $25
If you need help registering for this webinar, please email education@raic.org 

RAIC Membership is free for students. Click here to become a member!  


Prix catalogue: $25.00
Prix membres: 