Médaille d'or | Page 3 | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

Médaille d'or

The RAIC's Gold Medal is the highest honour that it can bestow in recognition of a significant and lasting contribution to Canadian architecture and is not to be construed as a competition. The terms of reference set forth here outline the process of selection to be used to identify the recipient of this honour.

In recognition of a significant body of work deemed to be a major contribution to Canadian architecture, and having lasting influence on the theory and/or the practice of architecture, either – through demonstrated excellence in design; and/or, excellence in research or education.

RAIC Gold Medal 2023 Recipient

Claude Provencher, FIRAC
Province / Territoire: 

The late architect Claude Provencher was co-founder of one of Canada’s most significant architecture firms. He has long been recognized for the quality of his realized projects, as well as for his profound sense of commitment. Considered among the trailblazers of the new urban architecture movement of the late 1970s in Canada, he enriched Quebec’s built urban heritage with many major projects.


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