Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Workshop | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Workshop

Please complete all of the information requested on the registration page.

If you have any questions please message the info@raic.org



Registrant Information
Event Fee(s) *
Carte de crédit
Nom et adresse de facturation
Restrictions alimentaires
Veuillez communiquer avec Camille Rivard à crivard@raic.org si vous avez des préoccupations particulières.
Veuillez indiquer l'allergie alimentaire spécifique.

This workshop can be reported to your regulatory association as structured learning hours. If you are a member of AIBC, the RAIC will report these hours on your behalf, per our Registered Educational Provider protocol. Please include AIBC information if relevant, if not, indicate not applicable (N/A).

What is your AIBC Designation?
Please select one from the drop down list.
Please enter your registrant number or enter N/A for Not Applicable.
Employment Questions
Please enter your organization's name
Please enter your current position title