Webday Wednesdays - Digital Built Government of Canada | Institut royal d'architecture du Canada

Webday Wednesdays - Digital Built Government of Canada

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For the month of January, the RAIC is pleased to present a weekly series on the subject of Building Information Modelling.


Digital Built Government of Canada: Understanding the digital transformation landscape in Canada
Date: January 23, 2019
Experience Level: Introductory
Presenter: Megan Beange
B.A.S., M.Arch, Grad.Dip. Architectural Conservation, Specializing in BIM
National BIM Lead, Public Services and Procurement Canada 


This Webinar will introduce Digital Built Government of Canada (DBGC) whose mission it is to educate, and raise awareness within, the Federal Real Property Community in order to prepare and ready the Community for the transition of the public service into the digital age. Furthermore, DBGC intends to inform, and align itself with, a larger National movement to digitally transform the AECOO industry, in order to take a single direction for digital transformation and maximizes support to the Canadian AECOO industry and the Canadian economy.

Megan works with national players in the Construction Industry, balancing high-level strategic direction and thinking with operational needs and technologies. She works with government stakeholders, federal clients, and private sector companies alike to bring digital efficiencies and innovation to workflows and processes in Real Property portfolio, program, and project management. She has been a strong voice for digital transformation within the Federal Government's Real Property Community, and supports policy reset with her experience and knowledge from the international community.

Megan continues to search for ways to contribute to the evolution of the industry and desires to help the Community within this industry grow and evolve along with the emerging technologies and processes of the 21st Century. Her goal within Public Services and Procurement Canada is to develop smarter and more interoperable data to support a modernized Custodial, and Real Property Service, Model. In light of her knowledge of international trends and benchmarks, Megan is striving to contribute to Canada becoming a world leader in Construction, Real Property, and Digital Transformation.

At the completion of this session, the participant/learner will be able to:

  • Understand the landscape of BIM and Digital Transformation for the AECOO industry in Canada.
  • Understand the players and roles involved in digital transformation efforts.
  • Understand the changes coming to Public Sector Real Property.
  • Understand the direction for BIM being taken in Canada.

Continuing education learning hours: 1 credit

This webinar is sponsored by

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, January 20, 2019

$25 for RAIC members, plus applicable taxes.
$30 for non-members, plus applicable taxes.

SCHEDULE: The Webinar will take place on Wednesday, January 23 at 1 p.m. ET in English.
The Canada-wide schedule by time zone is:









10 a.m.

11 a.m.

12 noon

1 p.m.

2 p.m.

2:30 p.m.


11 a.m.

12 noon

1 p.m.

2 p.m.

3 p.m.

3:30 p.m.

More information, including online access instructions and a PDF copy of the slides will be sent to you by email on the Monday prior to the Webday webinar.

2019-01-23 13:00 jusqu'à  2:00 PM
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