RAIC Webinars | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

RAIC Webinars

RAIC Webinar Graphic

RAIC Webinars are virtual learning opportunities for the architectural community. RAIC Webinars are always offered on-demand and occasionally accompanied by opportunities for live Q & A sessions.

Call for Presenters

Are you a subject matter expert looking to share your knowledge? An ongoing call for webinar presentations and presenters is currently open.

Apply here

For more information on the RAIC Continuing Education program, Click Here.


September 2021 Webinar Series - Urbanism: Post-Pandemic Approaches Poster

Recent Webinars


Reimagining our Streets for Disruptive Times


Transit Architecture in the COVID-19 Era







The on-going global pandemic has brought forth many challenges, particularly in the way that we imagine public and urban spaces"Urbanism: post-pandemic approaches, will explore the opportunities and creative conceptual designs emerging from the pandemic’s disruption of our daily lives. Learn ways that professionals have reimagined 


  • Indoor and outdoor public spaces 
  • Streets and transits 
  • Urban facilities 

October 2021 Webinar Series - The Future of Workplace Design Poster

Recent Webinars


Workplace of the Future - Strategies for a Post-COVID World











The effects of the global pandemic have created a major shift in the way people work and how offices are used. The transition towards working from home has significantly changed the way we view and occupy our office spaces. Through an exploration of best practices, case studies, and innovative solutions, “The Future of Workplace Design” looks at 


  • Spatial challenges affecting engagement and framework  
  • The adaptation of workplaces; and 
  • Design considerations for healthy workplace environments 


November 2021 Webinar Series - Energy Performance and Efficiency Poster

Recent Webinars


The Passive House Standard and it's Impact of the Design Process

Sustainability in the Built Environment









"Energy Performance and Efficiency” looks at a range of topics, from renovation projects to new construction and explores different approaches to improving the performance and efficiency of buildings. Through lectures and case studies, learn ways to 


  • Identify optimal strategies for efficient design processes  
  • Reduce energy use of old and new buildings 
  • Achieve high-performance concepts and designs 