RAIC Vancouver Island South Network - Social Architects event | Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


RAIC Vancouver Island South Network - Social Architects event

SKU: CEVN20241017

Join your architect colleagues in Victoria for an in-person, after work, social event co-sponsored by the RAIC Vancouver Island South Network and HCMA Architecture & Design. 

The event is also open to intern architects and others working in architecture. 


DATE: October 17, 2024 

TIME: 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. PT 

COST: Event is free 

LOCATION: HCMA Architecture & Design, 201-844 Courtney Street, Victoria, B.C. 

Snacks and refreshments will be provided. 


For more information, please contact Andy Guiry, Associate, Architect AIBC  andy@cascadiaarchitects.ca 


RSVP below to register so we can expect you. 

List price: $0.00
Member Price: 